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Tagvenue helps people to find and book venues easily with 11,000 event venues listed in the United Kingdom, Ireland, Australia, Singapore, Canada and the United States, users can search for restaurants, banquet halls, conference centres amongst others.

I worked as a senior UX designer primarily on improving user conversion in venue rooms for mobile and Improving social proof across the platform to drive conversion.


Responsible for user research, competitor research, UX design, user testing, mockups and prototyping

The Team

I worked in the product team along side two other designers, a product owner and the co-founder

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Case studies of my focus areas

Click on one to know more

Improving room enquiry conversion for mobile users

The challenge

Insights from analytics including google analytics showed that while most of the users we had were mobile users, the conversion rates for mobile users  were super poor.

Web Traffic


Wee needed to convert more of these users and prevent churn on our mobile traffic

Research into existing challenges and opportunities

I looked into existing research done by the product team in which i was working in to see their prior discoveries and what attempts had been done to address this.

Conducted an assessment of the current mobile and desktop performances on google pagespeed.

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Looked into analytics on Google analytics to see user patterns and investigated existing user mental models for room conversion using competitor analysis of platforms like peerspace and airbnb.

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Investigated user behavior and heatmaps from hotjar across mobile and desktop screens for the users and past research, user interviews and usability tests done by the team to see if i could get any qualitative insight into this issue.

Conducted further research, interviews, A/B and usability tests focused on the mobile room conversion and social proof with users.

Emerging themes and insights

🔖 mobile users were using the mobile room pages as bookmarks for potential venue choices for events

🔎 users did use mobile to view rooms, images and information but not click on the enquiry button

⚠️ important information about room features and dining options in an event room were quite disorganized and not mobile responsive

😔 the mobile enquiry button was not that prominent and disappeared from view while users scrolled down

⏰ users were interested in knowing how long a venue manager typically would respond to an equiry

🗄️ Venue features sorting based on popular features per segment was important to users

Improving button Visibility

The enquiry button visibility was an issue as it dissappeared from the view port when the user scrolled down for more information

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To fix this, we introduced a sticky bottom bar which was visible to the user as soon as the enquiry button section was out of the view port. this kept the button visible to the user.

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Testing this hypothesis with users

A/B tested the new button visibility variant and while conversion rates didn't spike massively, it was an indicator that we were on the right track.

Heat maps on hotjar were analyzed and analytics showed more user awareness and engagement with the enquiry button

Usability testing on lookback also validated this assumption around button visibility.

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Providing users with a venue wishlist

Additionally, as a way of of reducing user churn backed up by findings from our research, we added a save venue button to the enquiry button which enabled users to bookmark their favourite venues on the go and come back to it later.

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Redesign the mobile room page sections

We decluttered and grouped similar features and optimized the information as it was also a key determinant for user conversion on mobile allowing users to expand to see more related information and features

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Including average response time of venue managers

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Venue sorting based on popular features


Price, Location, Rating, Capacity

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License, Price, Location, Rating

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Improving social proof across the platform to drive conversion

Tagvenue uses a  rating system for its platform, Interestingly ratings and reviews were not given per venue but rather what users saw was the overall review of the company.

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I found this to not help in mobile conversion as users could not see feedback of others for specific venues which actually did not help with conversion efforts.

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Instead of getting reviews of a specific venue from other renters, users were presented with a general review of the company and the room ratings were from different venues.

To fix this, we introduced individual venue reviews and added a section where users could view review ratings and feedback

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Users could get detailed and meaningful feedback for particular venues which positively encouraged user conversion and improved social proof while testing.

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Showing past users for certain venues

As a way of boosting social proof across the platform, we introduced a small text that showed notable past renters of certain venues. we found this to be useful especially for corporate events and conferences

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